West Middlesex Gazette, Friday 30 August 1912
A most interesting game took place on the Northcote bowling green on Tuesday last. The teams opposing each other were the Northcote Bowling Club and the members of the Brentford Football Club. The latter players were in fine trim, thanks to their trainer, T. Cowper, but they could not manage to defeat Northcote, who registered a win by 17 points. Captain Rhodes proved himself quite an adept at skittling his opponents off the “jack” when they laid anywhere near.
At the conclusion of the game the two teams sat down to a splendid spread, served up in the inimitable style of Host Gerard, and to which everyone did full justice. As a change the players adjourned to the billiard saloon, where the “footballers” had their revenge in defeating the Northcote team in a game of “Snooker.”
It is not yet decided whether the Northcote bowlers shall play a return match at Brentford, when it is surmised the game will be neither bowls or snooker, but “soccer.”