Ward’s Snooker Pool
Referee, Sydney, 26 October 1910
”Ward’s Snooker Pool” is a game recently patented, the necessary accessories of which may be obtained from Messrs. Heiron and Smith at a very reasonable cost. The game, which is amusing and most interesting, is played with 10 pins of colors, i.e.: 4 reds (1 point each), a yellow (2 points), green (3 points), brown (4 points), blue (5 points), pink (6 points) and black (7 points). The red pins are placed two each on either side of the table, above and below the middle pockets, while the remaining pins occupy the position of the snooker balls, except that the brown ball is placed in the centre of the half circle in “baulk.” To commence play, the two white balls are spotted in snooker position, the red being spotted behind the black pin, and the player first scoring an exact 31 points is declared the winner, but arrangements may be made to play with or without “bursts.” The game is one that commends itself to proprietors and players alike, and is already finding a place in the principal saloons of the city and suburbs.