There’s no such game
Society Snapshots
Taken at Random on a Trip Through the World
By Cotsford Dick. 1901
SIR ANANIAS . Guineapig , Lord Guineapig . (Quickly) Do read Sir Peter Primrose’s speech at Hackney, it’s ———–
LADY SAPPHIRA (cutting him short ). And where did you dine?
SIR ANANIAS . At the Junior Jingo . . . . (To himself) What’s her game? Has she got a counter in her pocket?
LADY SAPPHIRA. And what did you do after dinner?
SIR ANANIAS (to himself). I’d better stick to the truth now it’s safer. (To her) Oh, the usual thing … Snooker pool.
Lady Sapphira (indignantly ). How dare you insult me? … There’s no such game.
SIR ANANIAS (whose right hand is not cunning with the cue). I wish there wasn’t .
LADY SAPPHIRA (shrugging her shoulders ). Passe encore! … And afterwards?
SIR ANANIAS. Oh, afterwards ? (To himself) I’ll go the whole hog, and nothing but the hog.