The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, 7 January 1905
In commencing a series of articles in “The World of Billiards” on single pool, Mr S. A. Mussabini says that if ever an offspring of the billiard table has fallen upon hard times, this game may claim that unenviable distinction. Time was when single pool stood on the same high pedestal as Snooker’s pool does to-day. It was rightly regarded as fine training for billiards proper, apart from presenting all the essential points which go to make the beauties of pyramids and life-pool. Finesse and wary tactics are the beginning and end of it. In fact, one may well liken a turn at single pool, between two advanced billiardists, to a rapier duel with skilful fencers opposed. The swordsmen parry and guard each thrust and lunge, and watchfully ward oft every thrust till they find the opening they have been waiting for. Then the blade is driven home. So is it with single pool. “Caution marks the guarded way” all the time. Patience, judgment, and determination, as much as cue-power, are needed. You say to yourself, “I won’t try for his ball unless it is 10 to 1 on my putting it down.” And your opponent, doubtless thinks in the same strain. On and on you both go, trying to hamper each other in every possible way. Then, sudden and sharp, comes the bad or the unlucky stroke, and down goes a ball—another life lost in the passages of single pool.