“Snooker” remembers all that he has heard of military “roughing it”
The Leisure Hour, 1876, P. 662
However, the “snooker” remembers all that he has heard of military “roughing it,” and makes up his mind to adapt himself to circumstances. The senior cadet in the room now takes him in hand , and explains to him the customs and manners of the Academy, and the duties which devolve upon the last joined, these latter not being very onerous, as the principal one consists in going to the baths first in the morning, and then awaking his comrades.
At 6 A.M. the Réveillé sounds, and the “snooker” not being yet conversant with the bugle-calls, probably jumps out of bed in a great hurry, but is told by some wiser cadet that it is only the warning for extra drill.