
From 1875 to 1889

A new billiards game, either Snookers or Snooker, has emerged. On 10 October 1884, the Civil & Military Gazette (Lahore) published the rules of the game, which attracted attention for its originality and dissimilarity to all previously existing options. The game’s creators and its precise origin remain unknown. It is, however, likely that it originated in India. It is plausible that the game was not created in one fell swoop, but rather, evolved over an extended period of time. Initially, Snooker did not resemble the version we know today, bearing only slight resemblance to the game we recognize today under that name. Over time, the rules underwent gradual evolution. As correspondents wrote, almost every club had its own version of the game hanging on the wall, diverging significantly from the established rules of neighboring clubs.

Despite this, snooker gained the favour of billiard players and evolved from a commercial pastime into a sport.