Broncho Bill’s Circus
Sheffield Daily Telegraph, Tuesday 14 April 1925
Broncho Bill’s Circus.
Despite the fact that the circus has lost much of its old-time popularity it is still a favourite with the children, to whom equestrian exploits and the comicalities of the entertainers make a special appeal. The circus is pre-eminently the children’s show, and this proved to be the case yesterday when the opening performances of Broncho Bill’s Circus took place in the Sheffield Cattle Market, where two exhibitions are to be given daily during the week. At the first show there was a continuous performance for two hours. Two stars in the programme were the clowns, “Walker and Snooker,” whose whimsicalities and peculiar antics greatly amused the audience and particularly the youngsters, Miss Lina, the ballet dancer, whose steps were imitated by a horse, also gave a clever exhibition of wire dancing. …