Revision of the rules of pool, snooker pool, pyramids, and the other variants of the game
Sheffield Daily Telegraph, Thursday 14 April 1898
The members of the Billiards Association finished their work, revising the rules of billiards, last week. It had been arranged that they should be sent to the editors of the leading London and provincial papers next day for review, but the advent of the holidays interfered with this decision, and they will not, I understand, bo sent out for two or three days to come. In many respects, the rules have been considerably altered, and the general opinion, both of the professionals and amateurs who took part in the work, is that they will increase interest in the fascinating game. It has, however, not been decided to bring the new rules into force until next season, when doubtless they will be inaugurated with a grand handicap of national importance. After a short interval, it is hoped to commence the revision of the rules of pool, snooker pool, pyramids, and the other variants of the game. Many anomalies have sprung up in these games, and I understand that they will be ruthlessly dealt with by the experts. In revising the billiards rules, the professionals have given great assistance to the Committee. They have, of course, been paid for their services, but throughout they have shown keenness to place the rules on a firm and fair basis.