Royal Military Academy
The Queen’s commission how to prepare for it, how to obtain it, and how to use it. With practical information on the cost and prospects of a military career. By Capt. G. J. Younghusband. 1891
The last joined term are called “snookers” and treated as such. The pains and penalties exacted from a snooker are not very heavy as a rule, and consist mostly of small disallowances, and small unwritten regulations, which teach him to remember for one term at least what a very small fish he is in the military sea. Cadets are much the same, and live much the same social life whether they happen to be at Woolwich or at Sandhurst, and therefore we should be but repeating ourselves if we again went into much detail regarding their studies and recreations. The routine is somewhat different, however, at the two, and we therefore give that in force at Woolwich as well.