Mr. Snooker’s sorrows
Richmond River Express and Tweed Advertiser, 8 September 1903
Band of Hope Entertainment.
On Wednesday night last the members of the Casino Band of Hope gave one of their very popular entertainments in the Masonic Hall, which attracted an audience of nearly all sets and creeds, more than all the seating accommodation being occupied.
The following dialogues were produced with a considerable display of talent and credit to the participants: —
“Bad luck to the whisky,” by Misses Flora M’Gilvery, Hilda Simpson, and Laura Turner. “A regular Tartar,” by Misses Mary M’Gilvery, K. Pollock, Cumming, and Messrs. H. Simpson, H. C. Simpson, and Milton Simpson. “Laying a trap,” by Misses L. Elliott, K. and M. Pollock, Eva, Flora, and Jessie M’Gilvery, and Master Ebb Simpson. “Mr. Snooker’s sorrows,” by Misses Maggie M’Gilvery, Bonnie Turner, L. Turner, Messrs. Oswald, H. C. and H. Simpson, D. M’Phee, L. Raphael, and Ebb Simpson.