Snooker’s Medal
Referee (Sydney), Wednesday 7 July 1915
An effort is to be made by the billiardists of N.S. Wales to raise £2000 towards Australia Day. There are 1000 billiard rooms in the State, and if each room’s collection averages £2 — a modest computation — the amount will be got together easily.
The N.S.W Billiard Association are to handle the matter. At a meeting of the committee on Thursday it was decided to make an appeal for a financial rally from all players as an adjunct to the “Sportman’s Fund,” which the N.S.W. Sports Club is inaugurating.
The committee voted five guineas from their funds, and any profits accruing from the approaching State Championship. Several members also gave substantial donations. Circulars, showcards, and donation lists are to be forwarded to every billiard-room in the State, with a request for the co-operation of those in charge. One of the schemes suggested was that the winner of every game played between now and Australia Day should make a small donation to the funds. A deduction towards the fund might also be made from all pool games.
As an additional incentive to collectors I am donating a gold medal to the roomkeeper who sends in the largest collection. It will be known as “Snooker’s Medal.”
By the end of the week every room in the State should receive printed matter. Those which do not receive same should write to Mr. E. A. Boyle, hon. secretary of the Billiard Association, Sports Club, Hunter-street, Sydney. Mr. Boyle will be pleased also to receive direct donations.
Everyone who handles a cue should assist this deserving fund. If they do so, the ‘two thousand’ will not only be attained, but exceeded.