Gunner Snooker
Poole & Dorset Herald, Thursday 26 April, 1877
4th Hants Artillery Volunteers. —The annual prize firing of this corps came off on Thursday, 19th inst.; ranges, 100, 200, 300, and 400 yards; five rounds at each distance, Gunner Knapton being the winner of the challenge cup, with a total score of 59. Names of 20 highest competitors—Bandsman Taylor, 57; Gunner J. Troke, 54; Sergeant New, 53; Gunner Collins, 52; Bandsman Wells, 50; Gunner Riggs, 48; Gunner Knapton, 45; Gunner T. Troke, 45; Gunner Snooker, 44; Sergeant Hawker, 43; Bombardier New, 42; Bandsman A. Adams, 41; Bombardier Law, 41; Dr. Nunn, 41; Gunner Blagden, 40; Bombardier Mattocks, 38; Gunner Morris, 38; Gunner Cutler, 37; Gunner Bartlett, 37; Gunner James, 37.—By order, E. W. Rebbeck, Captain Commanding 4th Hants Artillery Volunteers.