Plays and Pictures
Macclesfield Times, Friday 24 February 1922
Success is attending the presentation this week of “Lucky Liza,” which is a bright, well-dressed and excellently staged production. The part of Silas Slim, taken by Mr. Dicky Clare, is in capable hands, the court scene in particular giving plenty of scope for really good comedy. “Lucky Liza” is played by Miss Trixie Kay and the character lends itself to bright, clean comedy and excellent vocalism. Mention should be made of Miss Annie Croft, a young lady with an excellent stage presence and who gives a very pleasing performance. The role of the court usher is enacted by Harry Jay and affords one continuous laugh. How this man is able to distort his countenance as he does is a puzzle, and is necessary to be seen to be appreciated. The other members of the cast play their parts admirably, and patrons who have not seen “Lucky Liza” on this possibly its last visit, should do so as Mr. Clare informs us that owing to the sixteen years during which he has travelled this show he thinks it is about time he is on the look-out for another winner in the shape of something “lucky.”
Next week “Snookers,” a first-class production, will be staged. Particulars will be found in our advertisment columns.