Original rules of the Snooker’s Pool
The Billiard Times. December, 1913
The original rules of the game [Snooker’s Pool] at any rate, seemed to have been published some twenty-five or twenty-six years ago, and from the copy of these which we append it will be gleaned that the present-day rules differ but slightly from the original. It will be noted that only four pool balls were used in the game then, compared with the six used in the modern game, and that they were “spotted” in a straight line up and down the table.
Original rules of the Snooker’s Pool
1. The game is played with the pyramid set and four pool balls, viz., Yellow, Green, Brown, and Blue.
2. The pyramid balls (hereinafter referred to as “the red balls”) are placed on the table as for pyramids, and the four pool balls respectively as follows:— Yellow on the top spot. Green at the apex of the pyramids. Brown on the centre spot. Blue on the bottom spot.
3. The value of the balls is as follows:— A red ball (except the last one), 1 life. The last red ball, 2 lives. The Yellow ball, 3 lives. The Green ball, 4 lives. The Brown ball, 5 lives. The Blue ball, 6 lives.
4. The players use the white pyramid ball (hereinafter referred to as “the white ball”).
5. Each player in rotation first plays at a red ball so long as one remains on the table.
6. When a red ball is taken, a pool ball is then played on, and, if taken, another red ball, and so on alternately when either a red ball or a pool ball is taken, two successive strokes at either the red balls, or, until all the red balls are taken, the pool balls, not being allowed; but, subject to these rules, there is no limit to a break.
7. When a player takes either a red ball or a pool ball, each of the other players pays him the value of it.
8. When a player makes a miss or a losing hazard, or forces the white ball off the table, he forfeits the value of the ball played on to each of the other players.
9. When an object ball is forced off the table it does not score at any period of the game for or against the player.
10. A red ball is never replaced except when forced off the table, and then it is replaced according to the rules of pyramids.
11. When a pool ball is taken or forced off the table it is replaced (subject to Rule 19) on its original spot, or as near thereto as possible, towards the top of the table, unless the white ball occupies its place, and then it is not replaced until after the next stroke. When practicable the pool ball originally placed at the pyramid apex is in like manner placed on or near the second spot from the top of the table.
12. When the white ball touches another ball, and the player has to play at a ball of greater or less value, he cannot score, but forfeits as for a miss under Rule 8.
When Playing at a Red Ball.
13. A player taking more than one ball receives according to the number taken, although neither is the ball played on.
14. If a pool ball is taken the player forfeits the value of it, and this is so although a red ball is also taken, the player receiving nothing for the red ball.
15. The player taking the last red ball can then, but not afterwards, play at either pool ball, and if he takes one it is replaced and he continues playing according to Rule 18.
When Playing at a Pool Ball.
16. Before making his stroke the player is to declare the ball he intends to play on; and if he fails to strike a pool ball he forfeits the value of the ball he declared to play on, or having failed to declare he forfeits 6 lives to each of the other players, and cannot score or play again until his next turn to play is reached.
17. Subject to Rule 18, a player taking more than one ball receives the aggregate value of the balls taken, although neither is the ball played on.
18. If a red ball is taken the player forfeits the value of it, and this is so although a pool ball is also taken, the player receiving nothing for the pool ball.
When all the Red Balls are Taken.
19. Subject to Rule 15, the pool balls are played on in rotation according to value, commencing with that of least value, and, when so taken, are not replaced.
20. When a ball other than that played on is taken it is replaced, and the player forfeits the value of it and cannot score.