Novel or Strange
Cornishman, Thursday 15 December 1898
Cyclists in Greece swear by the Dunlop-Welsh tyre as a perfect non-slipper, the roads in that country being so greasy.
Did you ever see a horse race that yon could say was absolutely honestly run ?—I think I did, wunst ( said Bill.) The feller that won it had stolen the hoss, and be kept ahead of us.
Snooker Pool Extraordinary.—An amateur, a well-known member of the Stock Exchange, was playing a game of snooker at a West-end club the other day. At one period of the game, when he took up his cue. there were six red balls left in various positions round the pyramid spot. He put in the six red balls, alternating each with the black. The coloured balls were then left in various positions. Before he laid down his cue. the player bad succeeded in pocketing the whole of the coloured series in proper succession. This brought up his completed break to the total of 75 points. It is believed that this performance has never been equalled, as the player obtained the highest possible. — The Field.