John Snooker, Prison-place, Rotherhithe
Morning Advertiser, Saturday 17 September, 1831
TO DR. GARDNER, No. 74, Long-acre.
I think myself bound in gratitude to declare the benefit I received, under God, from taking your valuable medicine. I was for some time very ill, so that I could not attend my business; I was ready to give up myself, not expecting that I should ever be well in this world again; but I was recommended to try your WORM PILLS, and after taking them I soon found out my complaint, and have passed 40 feet of the tape worm, and am now, thank God, recovering fast; the pain in my side is quite gone, and my strength is greatly renewed.
John Snooker, Prison-place, Rotherhithe.
Ready to satisfy any one so afflicted of the utility of your medicines.