Tom Snooker
Mexico weekly ledger (Mexico, Mo.), 22 May 1890
Tom Snooker’s Girl to the Front
Sickamobk Holler,
Monroe County, Missouri,
May 16th, 1890.
Mr. Bob White, Audrane County,
Salt River township, Mexico.
I hearn that you wus goin to send too gals to ride on the kars to to St Louis, Misouare, and pay for it and there sleapen and eaten too. My gal Mandy sed she would go, kas shes got a new dress, and she sed she would like to show them town fokes how fine she can dress. She got it to ware to town to se the elephent mundy, i was in Santafee tuesday and bot me a pare of fine butes to come in withe her in. I hern that a fellar can vote for his gal as mutch as he wants too if he takes enough of your papers. How would you like to trade a year of your paper, all at wonst, for a pet posum.
I will git thrue plantin corn next weak, and pap says I can come in early and vote all day. I can vote as mutch m a day as them town fellars can in a hull weak. Well, the clock is strikin seven, and I ant use to stayin up so late, good by, with love, your good frend,
Tom Snooker.