Marie Stuart: Billiard table had to be removed
L’ histoire de la naissance, progrez, & decadence de l’heresie de ce siecle. Divisée en huit livres. Florimond de Raemond. Paris 1605. P.1103
… Après ces propos, voyant que mes pauvres serviteurs n’y vouloient mettre la main, & que tous le refusoient hardiment, même les pauvres filles , criant tout haut vengeance sur lui & sa compagnie, il appella sept ou huit satellites & ayant faict abattre le Daiz s’assit & se couvrit, & puis me dit qu’il n’etoit plus temps d’exercice & passetemps pour moi, & pour ce il falloit ôter une table de billiard; Je dis que graces à Dieu je ne m’y étois jamais ébatue depuis l’avoir fait dresser: car i’avois donné assez eu par eus d’autres occupations … De Fodringhaye, ce Jeudy 24. de Novembre 1586.
Votre affectionnée & bonne Maîtresse,
Marie, R.

English. Translated with
… After these remarks, seeing that my poor servants did not want to put their hands on it, and that all boldly refused, even the poor girls, shouting aloud vengeance on him and his company, he called seven or eight satellites and having brought down the Daiz sat down and covered himself, and then told me that it was no longer time for exercise and pass time for me, and for this reason a Billiard table had to be removed. I said that thank God I had never played on it since I had it set up and that they had given me enough other occupations … From Fodringhaye, this Thursday 24. of November 1586.
Your affectionate & good Mistress,
Marie, R