Snooker tournament (flying); Major C. O’Sullivan
Burton Observer and Chronicle, Thursday 11 December 1930
The following programme of competitions, social functions, etc., was arranged at a meeting of the committee of the above club, held at the Drill Hall, Burton-on-Trent. In addition to this programme it is hoped that before long a fixture list for “home” and “away” evenings with other clubs in Burton and surrounding districts will be available.
In the meantime it is hoped that the members of the Burton Military Club will come in strength to the functions arranged in the programme given below.
December 12.—Progressive whist drive; 2nd-Lieut. C. C. Macgilp, 2nd-Lieut. E. J. Gothard. Sergt. Armstrong, Corpl. Kirk.
December 16.—Snooker tournament (flying); Major C. O’Sullivan, Capt. D. C. Butterworth, 2nd-Lieut. W. P. Whybrow, CpI. Preston, C.S.M. Thirlwall.
December 18.—Air rifle shooting tournament; Major A. V. Negus, Lieut. J. Eadie, Sergt. Bird, Corpl. Preston.