The snooker was good, but I guess the resolution was better
Juniata sentinel and Republican, (Mifflintown, Juniata County), January 24, 1883
To be sure something was said about the boys sleighing around these nights with their sweethearts, but there was lit tie said about women, aside from one old Andy Jackson fellow who said the grandest sledding that he ever did, was on a board, or small sled with a girl seated before him, sliding down hill. He said that in his time he had danced in cotillion, polka and waltz, and taken a hand in the social kissing parties, but none of them came up to the delight of sliding down hill on a little sled, or on a board with a woman seated in, front, and in his arms. He said that he would like to slide into paradise in that way. We took a snooker all around over that, and resolved that the tee-total question shall be left out till the time comes to vote on it. The snooker was good, but I guess the resolution was better.