Herr Snooker (Colonel Keyser)
Madras Weekly Mail, Saturday 29 August 1885
Colonel Keyser as the Squire was, аs a matter of course, all there. He is such an old hand at this sort of thing, that it would be superfluous to criticise—suffice it sо sау, he played the charасter of the villainous old Squire in his own unapproachable style. Colonel Beauchamp, Colonel Banking, and Lieut. Bird were also excellent, the former posing as a regular “Bill Sykes.” Altogether the piece left hardly any room for improvement, and the prolonged applause at the fall of the curtain testified the satisfaction of the audience.
On September 1st we are to have our last variety concert of the season, which is to conclude with Herr Snooker’s (Colonel Keyser) celebrated “Wax work Exhibition.” Monday Tuesday, and Thursday next wo are to have a pantomime at the theatre, which, I hear, is great guns. Truly we are a lively family at Cannanore.