Grimsby Daily Telegraph, Saturday 28 June 1924
Mr. and Mrs. Goodyear were in charge of the sweet stall, Mesdames Sheard, Walker, and Robinson in charge of the fruit stall; Mrs. Humpbrey Burton. Mrs. Lythgoe, Mrs. Show and Sister Cubitt the fruit and salid stall, and Mrs. Scad-ding and Mrs. Sanderson the basket stall. Master Scadding was in charge of a novel amusement known as “Felix” which was a very profitable enterprise for the Church. Bowling at the wicket was carried out under the direction of Mr. Austin, whilst Mr. Viccars had a new game known as “Snooker-skit.” Clock golf was held by Messrs. Pidd and Squibbs and skittles by Mr. L. R. Long. Tea and refreshments were served under the direction of Mrs. King, Mrs. Twidale and helpers.