Felixstowe Times, Saturday 01 August 1931
Mention of billiards reminds me of a story concerning one of those places which, not very long ago, we were warned against by Temperance workers. Not a “pub,” but something almost as bad—a place where men foregathered, where liquor is not unknown, and where games of skill, and not infrequently of chance are freely indulged in. The two people concerned were, in fact, playing a game that is supposed to depend upon skill, but all too frequently is a matter of chance. It is played on a billiards table with a number of coloured balls, which, when put into pockets in the right order, give the players points. The pink ball lay in front of the side pocket. The expert gave the beginner some instructions about how to make the ball go in the pocket, thereby to score six points. The instructions were minute and explicit. The beginner listened attentively. At the end he said: “Thanks, old boy; but it’s your shot.” The man who had done the explaining took the shot. He did not put the pink down. A simple story, but one that will appeal to any “snooker player.”