Evening News, Sydney, 20 August 1909
An amusing piece of evidence was given by a witness at the Central Police Court in a case where trouble had occurred over a game of “snooker.” Two men were playing the game in a public saloon, and an observant frequenter of the room thought it” looked a good thing for one.” He made a bet on a man known as “Dick Deadeye,” who plays a good game of “snooker.” He also advised another man to back “Dick Deadeye,” which the latter did with a third party. The witness appeared to have a great knowledge of the bets made between the parties, and the magistrate (Mr. Donaldson) asked him, ‘How do you know these bets were made?”
“Why,” replied the witness, “I made him bet.”
Magistrate: Whom did you back?
Witness: The winner.
Magistrate: Oh, you backed “Dick Deadeye” then?
Witness: Yes, rather. It was a good thing for one. I bet 15s to 10s on, so it was pretty safe.
The magistrate dismissed the case, commenting on the betting that was shown to be going on in city billiard saloons.