Mysteries of Snookers
Civil & Military Gazette (Lahore), Wednesday 07 March 1888
We had a most enjoyable evening at the Sind Club on the 25th instant, when advantage was taken of a rule passed at the last General Meeting of members admitting ladies to the Club, once every two months, to dinner, followed by a “Soiree musicale.” There were about 60 ladies present at dinner, guests of the more sporting members of the Club, who made up little parties of their own, and the Band of the South Yorkshire was kindly lent by the officers of the Regiment. It was a most enjoyable evening, as, after dinner, the talent of the station discoursed sweet music until a final move was made to the billiard-room, where the three tables were speedily occupied by the fair guests, some of whom were initiated into the mysteries of Snookers, and seemed to enjoy the misfortune of their less skillful sisters, who happened to either be “snookered” for some breach of rule, or else were unfortunate in striking a coloured ball without first having pocketted a “Red.”