

The names O’Sullivan, Murphy, Higgins, Williams, Davies, etc., are well known among those interested in snooker. In today’s newspapers and other media outlets, these individuals and a few others are mentioned frequently. However, at the beginning of the previous century, these names were also in the public consciousness. They were not the direct ancestors of modern snooker players, but their namesakes. It is evident that these individuals have no bearing on the historical development of snooker. However, in this section, we have placed notes with their names , as it is not always necessary to adhere to the conventions of formal historiography. Indeed, there is considerable scope for levity in the study of sporting history, and we have endeavoured to present these players’ names in a lighthearted vein. Furthermore, the omission of initials and the occasional inaccuracy in spelling of surnames are not cause for concern, given that this is an informal and light-hearted approach. It is requested that this section be treated in a humorous manner.

P.S. In a list of officers serving in India in the late nineteenth century, the surnames of two lieutenants are noted. The first lieutenant’s name was Holmes, while the second’s name was Moriarty.
Sapienti sat.