Hand Book of Rules of Billiards and Pool

A Complete Hand-Book of Standard Rules of all the prominent Games of Billiards and Pool. In presenting this revised edition of the HANDBOOK OF THE RULES OF BILLIARDS the publishers have been duly mindful of the many changes and modifications that have taken place since some of these rules were originally framed. Their aim has been to contribute to the history and literature of “the Gentleman’s Game” a volume th at shall preserve all that is vital and valuable in the way of rules and directions, while at the same time discarding much th a t is obsolete and confusing. Accordingly it will be found that the book is in the best sense “up to date.” It embodies, among other things, the playing rules of the Eighteen-inch Balk Line Game for the World’s Championship, which differs radically from any other style of game heretofore introduced, and which, as illustrated by the highest grade of expert skill, has gained instant public acceptance as one of the most fascinating forms in which the game of billiards has ever been presented. I t will be noticed, moreover, that a change for the better has been made throughout in the phraseology and construction of the playing rules of the games most in vogue both of billiards and pool, with the object alike of dispensing with superfluous words and of assisting the reader to a clear interpretation of the meaning and intention of the laws governingthe different games. This improved form of the rules has been approved and indorsed by the leading experts of the world, and therefore bears the stamp of the highest authority. To the great body of devotees of the grandest of indoor sports, as well as to those who may desire disinterested advice and suggestion as to the matters to be considered in the purchase of billiard tables and the fitting up and conduct of billiard rooms both public and private—in short, to the friends and patrons of billiards everywhere, this handy volume is respectfully dedicated.