Garnier’s practice shots
Within the last few years, the game of billiards has become so much improved and has undergone such important modifications in its theory and practice that its character is now entirely changed. It has long been recognized as a most healthful and entertaining form of recreation. A player, even of moderate skill, finds in it complete mental relaxation and an amount of general muscular exercise which can not fail to be beneficial, especially to persons of sedentary life. In an ordinary game of one hundred points, each player must walk a half a mile or more, and the muscles of the upper part of the body, especially of the arms, are constantly brought into play. For those who are harassed by the cares of business or of professional work, the game of billiards affords amusement combined with moderate physical exercise, both of which are too often neglected; while men of leisure will find its study and practice an inexhaustible source of pleasurable excitement and interest.
Book from private collection