Catalogue of Billiard and Pool Tables
With their unlimited resources, THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER COMPANY are able to guarantee to their patrons the following advantages :
- The benefits of all the valuable patents and improvements in use.
- The saving effected in prices of material, which we buy in such quantities as to secure the best slate, lumber, ivory, cloth, etc., at lowest prices.
- The advantages afforded by the use of the finest machinery in our several very extensive factories, which necessarily results in a saving in cost, while at the same
time producing the best possible results in finishing. . - The choicest array of artistic designs.
- Our incomparable quick cushions, combining all the requisite qualities of speed, accuracy and durability.
- Prompt and careful attention to the wants of all our customers.
- Having a large stock always ready for deliver)-, there can be no delay in filling orders at the shortest notice and to any part of the country.