Billiards Expounded to All Degrees of Amateur Players. Volume 2
“A thing twice said takes stronger root.”
The reason for this quotation may be more obvious after a perusal of the contents of this volume than when it immediately confronts the reader. In the teaching of any subject—the desire to thoroughly drive home principles and methods—repetition is a vital, if rather wearisome, necessity. The charge of redundancy may probably be urged against my manner of treatment as concerns the essence of the whole of “ Billiards Expounded ”—the art of break-making with its two systems carefully detailed. I have foreseen that this might be, and have prepared my defence as set forth by the quoted headline. Billiard players who have attained some measure of proficiency will better appreciate the need of a reminding of what is, and what is not, wanted, than those to whom the art is a mystery unknown, and, therclinge, unappreciated.
Again I wish to draw attention to the thoroughness which has marked the work of my collaborator, Mr. S. A. Mussabini.
Book from private collection