Billiard Table Games for Tables of all sizes
In order to play billiards, you need a table, a set of balls, and a cue. Most probably, you will have no choice regarding the table and balls. They will be asyou find them where you generally play. But you may pick and choose when it comes to selecting your cue. Use this opportunity to get hold of a cue with some wood in it. Willie Smith plays with a cue weighing 18 1/2 oz., and he is right. A thin, whippy cue is no use at all, being almost as bad as a crooked one.
If you can, get a cue of your own. Most of the cues “ in the rack ” are very poor specimens. They are all very well if you only desire to knock the balls about for a bit of fun, but are worse than useless if you want to play serious billiards. Sometimes, however, there happens to be a decent cue or two among those available for public play, in which case it is a good idea to pick one you like, and do your best to play with it until a cue of your own comes your way.
Book from private collection