Ball to Ball Billiards
This little book was written with the hope that it would help the amateur player to get a little better knowledge of the action of the ball in “English,” “Follow,” “Draw” and “Massé.”
Ball to ball billiards is the secret of big runs and the action of the ball is the foundation of billiard playing.
No shots will be illustrated in this book except such as are used to explain the action of the ball.
This book is not a record of champions or championships. Neither is it a useless lot of diagrams of shots, because if you cannot learn to play billiards with your cue in your hand, no book ever written, even by the greatest experts, will teach you the game of billiards.
In the following pages I shall tell you a lot of things that you know or may have a hazy idea about, but the reminder will help fix the point in your mind. All I hope for is to help you think it out for yourself, because it is your thinking, not mine, that combined with practice, will enable you to play better billiards.