A History and Description of Billiards
Having now been seventeen years established as a manufacturer of Billiard Tables, with the latest improved and most durable cushions, during which time it has always been my endeavour to supply Billiard Tables that are made and finished in all respects in the most workmanlike and perfect manner, with the best materials possible to be procured, having resolved from the commencement to manufacture first-class Tables only ; and the extended patronage my Tables have received in consequence, is extremely gratifying encouraging me to keep up the reputation of the
I have a large brick factory built expressly for the business, power supplied by a 30-horse power engine, and heated with steam throughout, fitted with many new machines of the best kind to facilitate the work and make it perfect ; also Show Rooms, Drying Room, Storage, &c., &c. Each Table is carefully put together and fitted before leaving the Factory, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Soliciting a continuance of former patronage, which shall at all times receive my best and prompt attention, I remain the public’s most obedient servant,