Birmingham Mail, Friday 27 October 1916
At the Birmingham Military Tribunal this morning, Mr. H. C. Field presiding, an application for exemption was made by Mr. Willison on behalf of “the champion snooker player of England if not of the world.”
Applicant is the head billiard marker at a Birmingham hotel, and his employer supported the appeal.
Mr. Willison asked for two months’ conditional exemption on the ground that applicant was doing important work in playing exhibition matches for charity. These matches had produced £120 in the last ten weeks, and a handicap match at the hotel which finished on the previous evening produced £300. Applicant had also arranged several exhibition matches which would run to the end of the year.
Applicant was passed in C1, and being a married man with two children, the military raised no objection to his remaining in his present employment if the Tribunal agreed to this course. The Chairman, whilst agreeing that applicant was doing good work, pointed out that according to latest instructions all C1 men ware required. Exemption would be granted until December 31st, this to be final.