Billiards and Golf combined on miniature course.
Popular Mechanics. November 1930. P.746
“Snooker golf” is the name of the latest variation of the miniature-course game, and it combines some of the features of both billiards and golf. The course is laid out like the conventional billiard table with concrete edges on the lawn corresponding to the edges of the table, and the usual number of pockets or holes about the sides. Sixteen balls are used, being racked in a triangle and broken at the start of play, as in pool. The cue is the putter and the cue ball is an ordinary golf ball. Balls of different colors count different scores in scoring. Overhead, strung on a wire, are standard billiard counters.

Girls Marking Their Score in “Snooker Golf,” Which Combines Features of Billiards and Golf in One Game.