Billiards Illustrated. February 2, 1910
All lovers of billiards should try the “Britergame Billatelle,” and although we could undoubtedly devise a shorter and more catchy name, it would be almost impossible to conceive any billiard-table accessory which gives greater variety or affords more opportunity for the development of latent skill, as it embodies at once, and in a new and most interesting fashion, the advantages of bagatelle, snooker and pool. The “Billatelle” is of special interest to those financially interested in public billiard-rooms, as it supplies an additional charm which will be appreciated by old players, and may prove an effective “pull” for new custom. Readers will note the cupped-cone circle in the centre of the table illustrated above. Just on going to press the inventors and proprietors have submitted to us a new seven-cup cone which is a great improvement, leaving less to chance and permitting skilful direct play to each cup. This new accessory provides are additional fillip to the game of billiards; ensures fast scoring and excitement throughout the game; is easily placed on table or removed, and does not injure cloth or balls.