Australian Snooker Game Rules
The original’s scan from the personal archive of Mr J. H. F.
Sydney, Australia. 2 November 1903.
Administrator’s Note: the quality of the scanned document is poor and that the paper is partially damaged, which has resulted in some words or parts of words being illegible. Words that are close in meaning have been used in the digitised version, and these are marked in the text with square brackets.
Members are kindly reminded that the change in tournament registration rules, which [was communicated to] all members by post on 2 November 1903, [includes] the new snooker tournament rules.
Snooker Game Rules
Rule 1.
The game [uses] fifteen red balls, one white ball and five coloured balls. The fifteen red balls are placed by means of the [triangle, in] the same way as for Pyramids. The white ball is used by striker as the cue-ball throughout the game.
The yellow ball is placed on the left-hand spot in baulk.
The green ball on the centre spot in baulk.
The brown [ball on the] right-hand spot in baulk.
The blue ball is placed on the middle spot.
The pink ball on the billiard spot.
Rule 2.
The value of the balls shall be: each red ball [holed counts] one point to the striker, the yellow two points, the green three, the brown four, the blue five, and the pink six points.
Rule 3.
The player must first play at the red ball. Should he [succeed in] taking one or more red balls, he may play at some one of the coloured balls. [The player] must then declare whether he plays at the same coloured ball again or play the red ball. If all red balls [were played], he cannot play the same coloured ball again.
Rule 4.
The player may play another coloured ball only after taking the red ball or in rotation in the order provided in Rule 6 after all red [balls were] played.
Rule 5.
The player who takes the last red ball may play once at any coloured ball he chooses, before proceeding to take the other coloured balls in rotation in the order provided in Rule 6.
Rule 6.
After all red balls were played the coloured [balls must] be taken in rotation in the following order: yellow, green, brown, blue, pink.
Rule 7.
Whenever any coloured [ball is taken], it is immediately re-spotted on the [spot] which it occupied at the commencement of the game, so long as any red ball remains on the table.
Rule 8.
Should the coloured ball be improperly holed or forced off the table, it must be re-spotted on the spot which it occupied at the commencement of the game.
Rule 9.
If the player in the same stroke takes the red ball [and] the coloured ball, the value of his coloured ball counts in his score, but he is counted as having taken the red ball, and must next play at the coloured ball. The [played] coloured ball is re-spotted on the spot.
Rule 10.
If the player, in taking one or more red balls, succeed in the same stroke in pocketing one or more coloured balls, the value of the coloured balls so taken, as well as of the red ball or balls, shall be counted in his score.
Rule 11.
The following are the penalties for foul shots:
If the striker push his ball or strike it more than once, play out of turn, play with both feet off the floor and play before all the balls have become stationary, the penalty is 6 points.
If the striker [hits a coloured] ball when he should play the red ball, the penalty is the value of the coloured ball he hit.
If the striker play the same coloured ball more than once after the red and misses, [the penalty] is the value of the ball
If the striker pocket the white [ball] without [hitting] anything, the penalty is 3 points.
If the striker pocket the white ball after contact with another ball, the penalty is the value of the another ball.
If the striker should play the red ball and misses, the penalty is 1 point.
If the striker force the ball or several balls off the table, the penalty is the value of the higher ball.
Rule 12.
When the coloured ball is pocketed and its own proper spot is occupied by any other ball, the coloured ball is re-spotted on the nearest [unoccupied] spot. If all the [spots] are occupied, then as near as possible to its own spot in the direction of the top of the table without touching other balls.
Rule 13.
If, in playing at the coloured balls in rotation (as per Rule 6), another one be holed as well as the one played at, the value of both balls is scored to the striker, and the other ball re-spotted. Should, however, the striker fail to hole the ball he plays at, the value of the other ball, viz., the one holed, doesn’t count.
Rule 14.
Whenever there is any doubt the player must declare the coloured ball at which he intends to play.
Rule 15.
The [“baulk” is] no protection.
Rule 16.
When the striker is unable to play directly upon the ball that he is required to [strike] first, he is “snookered.” If he fails to strike the ball or strikes another ball first, he is penalised. The penalty is the value of the ball which the white ball touched first.
Rule 17.
If more than one error is made in one stroke, the very highest penalty [must] be exacted.
Rule 18.
The game [ends when] there is only the white ball left on the table.
Rule 19.
[The] match ends when [one player] scores the [required number] of points. [This] player is the winner and [goes to] the next round or wins the tournament [if the] match was the final round.
Rule 20.
[It is forbidden] for players to discuss refereeing decisions during the game. The player may protest against a referee’s decision [after] the match has finished.